Newly built cottages today are often built around what’s referred to as a Pocket Neighborhood model. Here’s a simple guide to understanding what it is and why its benefits have made it a lasting trend.
Warm & Welcoming Pocket Neighborhoods
Pocket neighborhoods first came to prominence in 1996, thanks to architect Ross Chapin. Basically, a pocket neighborhood is a small group of compact homes arranged around a common place where residents have a greater sense of community. The common place is often a garden, courtyard, lawn or any type of shared outdoor environment.

People who live in pocket neighborhoods desire to live in a neighborly setting. They are not just living in close proximity with other people but choosing a specific lifestyle. Chapin compares it to eating at a dinner table. At the dinner table, people can comfortably converse with one another more intimately than they would with a stranger.

Cozy BUT Private
If you worry that your privacy might be sacrificed by living in a neighborly setting, pocket neighborhoods have you covered. It is common to see pocket homes designed nesting together in a way that values privacy. No home has windows facing another home’s windows. Residents can be certain that when they’re in their home, they won’t have neighbors peering in.

Want more simply beautiful ideas? Check out this post on Why We Love Pocket Neighborhoods.
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